Thursday 26 September 2013


It has been 26 years since I last went to this mountain. It looks nothing like I remember, but I last went in Winter 1986. At the bottom of the mountain it was 13oC but at the top it was 2oC. When I went in 1986 it was -25oC. A big difference !

Today we travelled by cable-car from the Austrian side. The kids loved it and were not at all scared of the height. Not that their Dad could say the same !

All I could think of was - I hope that cable is strong and in good condition. 

No hand rails - and a 500m fall. 
This is the top of Mt Zugsptize. There is a sign that shows where you leave Austria and enter German - no passports required. So many people walk up and/or down the mountain. At 2962m it is a long walk and there is a path only a goat could follow. Yesterday a lady fell 500m to her death and you can understand how it could happen when you see the sheer cliffs on three sides of this mountain.

Italian Alps in the background.

Not that it was the most expensive beer Peter has ever bought - but it was the most enjoyed in a long while. Hot chips, Bratwurst in a roll and beer - what else could a man wish for? (maybe a heater?? It was really cold).
Our little cable-car, so small.....
Looking North to Germany

Who said Germans don't have a sense of humour?

On our way home we stopped at Mosern to see the Bell of Peace (10,000kg). The bell was impressive, but the kids had the most fun watching the wildlife amongst the flowers. We all got to see the infamous bumble-bee. How does it manage to fly with a bottom that round and fluffy?

European bee Vs Bumble-bee (Photographer - Jordyn)

Another warm and sunny day in Austria - 22oC and a good excuse for ice cream. Got to love glorious holiday weather.
It's a hard life

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