Thursday 26 September 2013

Jordyn's Day

I am relaxing in our apartment with my Dad. In the day time it is very hot, but when the sun goes down it is freezing. The apartment is well heated and at night it is very warm and we have to open the windows.

This is my feet on the chairlift going to the top of a local mountain where we walked back down. The walk was really good but then I tripped over and landed on my elbows on the gravel road ! Ouch! 

This is a photo I took from the top of the mountain - you can see all the jet streams from the jets flying over Austria.

On our walk we saw these ducks swimming in a large pond. Dad says they are Austria ducks but they don't look different to Aussie ducks.

1 comment:

  1. Your feet must be to big for your body jordyn because you are always falling over haha
