Wednesday 25 September 2013

The Flight

Lucky for us our friends Pauline and Jennifer drove us to the airport - no parking fees and no waiting around - or so we thought! The trip started off eventful when we realised mum had gotten the departure times wrong and we were leaving at 6.45pm and not 4pm. As we were there at 2pm we had a long wait! Plenty of time to enjoy the airport food and plane watch.

The flight from Sydney to Bangkok took nearly 10 hours. We were in a Boeing777-300 and we had window seats - three in one row and two seats behind that. We had a walk around the airport while we waited for the plane to refuel. It was nice to get the blood flowing around the legs. The flight to Dubai took 7 hours and then we had a two and a half hour wait there. We sat on the departure lounge floor and did some craft - great to stretch out and relax.  

We then changed planes and went on an airbus A380 which was really big and we had better leg room. On each leg of the flight the kids got their meals first - a great variety of food and as well they received treats and gifts from the airline. When we got to Munich the kids had a chance to see inside the cockpit and wear the Emirates head gear (except Nickolas of course). Even Dad got a chance to make some new friends!! That flight took 6 hours.

We were met by our German friend Jim who collected us and our gear in a VW transporter and drove us all to Seefeld, Austria. Although the drive didn't take long the kids were so tired and couldn’t keep their eyes open. Although it was only 3pm in the afternoon back home it was midnight.

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