Friday 4 October 2013

Relaxing in Germany

It has been a lovely couple of days in Salzgitter Bad. On Monday we went for a 7km walk to Liebenberg (a nearby town) to visit Katrin (Jim & Edith Daughter) for her 50th birthday. They live in a house that was built in 1829 and her husbands family have lived their and run their Apotheke (chemist) all that time from the same building.


The kids loved the walk as we went through the local forests and did not once have to cross any roads. Unfortunately the squirrels were hiding and we didn’t get to see any. But the walk was worth it - when we got there there was birthday cake, fruit crumble and deep fried cheese cake (like balls of dough-nut).

The children were entertained by the grandchildren Judith and Hendrika (13 & 16). They had a great time out in the garden playing frisbee despite the cold (only 10oC).

On Tuesday it was a lovely rest day. Peter and Nickolas went to Wolfsburg to the Volkswagon factory - but that is their story.

The girls and I stayed home and relaxed. After a hot lunch we went to the local Bad - which is a pool with the water supplied from an underground natural hot spring.
 The indoor pool is warm and has is a wave pool, while the outdoor pool is even warmer. Both pools have spa jets, water features and bubble seats.

We had such a great time - until I started to look like a piece of dried up fruit and had to get out.

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