Wednesday 9 October 2013

A quick update

Paleontologist at work
Brunswick Cathedral (and Nick)
Tools? What tools?

It has been a busy few days in Germany. On Wednesday we took a drive to Brunswick to see the cathedral (Founded 1129) and to walk the streets of the city. From there we drove to a Paleolithic Museum where the exhibits had been excavated on the site and were 300 000 years old. In addition to the exhibition the kids got to play on the computers and to experiment as Paleontologists, which was really interesting, but according to them the playground was the best part of the tour.

Before and After

From the restaurant
From there we travelled to a Osterwick which used to be in East Germany and has many homes dating back to around 1410. It feels surreal to think we are walking the cobblestones that have been there for over 500 years, and looking at homes that have not changed markedly for the same period of time. One of its most recent points of interest is that George Clooney was there this year when he made the film “The Monuments Men”.

happy days .....

George Clooney was here

Pete & the German boys
Jagermeister for all! Good for the health
On Thursday we went to a 50th birthday party where there was copious quantities of great food and drink. You know it is a serious party when the guests turn up with a total of 8 bottles of Jagermeister - Peter was very pleased. Pity he was a driver that day! When the children grew bored of playing tag or hide’n’seek with the German children, they created things with the abundant supply of Chestnuts that are lying around the place. A different activity than what they are used to!
Chestnut necklace

On Saturday, while is was raining heavily, we made a trip to the Harz Mountains to walk through caves where remains from 3000 years ago have been found. It also appeared that all the children in the area wanted to do the same same - is the German school holidays. The mineral composition of the caves meant that the bones were so well preserved scientists were able to remove DNA and to link these to two men living in the local village – who have since become somewhat famous. Having been to Jenolan Caves Nick wasn’t impressed with the formations inside the cave.

With a train this fast what is there to see?
On Sunday we made a quick (199km/h) trip to Hamburg in northern Germany on an ICE train. We visited the Miniature Wonderland where there are 3 floors of miniature worlds to explore . The first floor has dioramas of Hamburg from stone age through to present detailing the changes, also the history of Berlin depicting the erection of the wall is displayed. The next two floors are full of railways, roads and airports - all working and displayed in such minute detail (that must be why they call it miniature world !!). 
On Monday the weather was a warm 15oC so we drove to the top of the Harz Mountains. Peter and the kids went of  for a bob sled ride and then we went for a short walk. This must be a German version - 12 kms later we got back to the car for lunch (??) at 4.30pm. But it was worth it - lovely bavarian restaurant with great food (and the best beer Peter has ever tasted (apparently)


Nick & Jordyn on chair lift to bob sled

Henrika & Addison

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